Thursday, May 21, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Today is D and I's third anniversary! YEAH! I can't believe that 3 years ago this time today I was getting married. Its so crazy to see where we are now as to where we were. I have a loving and sweet husband and am so blessed. I know God put D in my life for a special reason(J) and i'm so thankful he did. I couldn't imagine my life without him and I can't wait to celebrate our 50th Anniversary (not that i'm wishing my life away by any means) Can't wait to see what life has in store for us for the next year.... Thank you D for loving me unconditionally!!
My beautiful flowers D got me!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dance Dance Dance

Dancing With The Stars- So I've followed Dancing with the Stars this whole season and its been amazing! I love Gisle or whatever his name is.. I'm really sad that he didn't win but I'm not that upset that Shawn won. She was great! Her partner is amazing... He's so cute. I think they have something going on. Seems like every week they get closer and closer. I hope their dating cause their both super cute. I haven't watched American Idol this season so I don't know anything that's going on with that. One Tree Hill season finale was awesome! Everything ended perfectly and exactly the way it should have. I hope they don't come back for another season cause the show has run its course and it just needs to end on a good note. Its starting to become like 7Th heaven. Be over already. All these season finales coming I don't know what I'm going to watch now.. BOO!
On a different note. D and I 's anniversary is tomorrow. 3 years! He tried to surprise me w/ a dinner cruise on the Bama Belle but 30 people have to sign up for them to do it and we were the only 2 that signed up.. How sad :( So J is going to Namaw's this weekend and were going to the softball super regionals sat which I'm super excited about! then probably dinner and a movie. YEAH! Any good movies out?
Also this morning when I dropped J off his teachers preceded to tell me that he is the biggest flirt that they had ever seen. I'm like how does he flirt? He's not even 2. apparently anytime any girls come into his classroom(other teachers and student helpers) J will grin real big and bat his eyelashes and kinda tilt his head down. Seriously?? Gotta love him :)I told D and of course his response was... "That's my boy" :) he he.....

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Surfin USA

Wow what a fun day! I just got back from my works employee appreciation luncheon. It was a Hawaiian theme and we got to wear jeans to work which was just awsome. Don't get me wrong I love wearing scrubs(not having to pick out clothes everyday) but even more I love JEANS! They had a big tent set up for us ,they gave away flip-flops,tons of food, a DJ, limbo,volleyball and tons more too many to name. I actually even rolled down the hill(don't you remember doing that when you were a kid) I didn't do it by myself though so i'm not a total idiot :) Cause I know that makes it so much better... ha ha Well Funny story: So there was a man that work had hired and he was going around teaching everyone how to dance. Well after my rolling in the grass charade, I started looking down at my arms and noticed that I had a rash. Apprently there was something in the grass that broke my skin out. Well I went to sit w/ the girls at the table and the guy came over trying to get one of us to dance. Well my disease took over. That disease where I say something before I really think about it. Plus I had to say something great so that he would NOT ask me2 dance cause I do not like to be called out. So when he asked I promptly responded with. I can't I have a rash. (lol) Well everyone just starts dyin laughin'. But it was true cause I did have a rash. Needless to say he got out of there pretty quickly :)
Side note: my rash is better. I washed my arms and went to the faculty staff clinic. the dr told me just to take bendadryl 2night if its bothering me.... I also learned that they just sprayed the grass last week 4 bugs.. Stupid sensitive skin :)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Can't think of any fun song lyric to go w/ this :)

What a great weekend! Friday night we went to the softball regionals and had a fun time. J didn't want to sit too long so we took turns walking around w/ him but still had a great time. J made a new friend in the stands when he started eating her potato chips :) lol gotta love em'. Sat we drove to 2 c my nephews ball game and had lots of fun. J had a blast running around and soaking up all the attention from everyone :) Sunday we woke up to a rainy yucky day so we just sat around all day in our P.J.'s (of course we went to Krispy Kreme) J's first KK and he loved em'! thats my boy . yesterday afternoon we went out and ran some errands and did some much needed housework. All in all it was a lot of fun family time. It was nice having D home on a Saturday for once:) We did get a potty Sunday afternoon after much consideration we chose this one(see below) Were not hardcore into the training yet, we're just introducing it to him and getting him used to it. He had so much fun playing w/ the potty last night so at least he doesn't hate it which is good. I'll have to let you know how the whole training process works. We're going to go at it a slow pace. I read the little book I have that says the later you start the quicker it works so I'm going to take my time. I'm not looking forward to this anyway.... Maybe I'll replace my flooring after we're done training lol

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Over and Over again

So far I know 4 people having babies in December! WOW! I'm ready for everyone to find out what their having cause I need to start buying gifts :) Sad me I have to go shopping to my favorite store..... I'm so excited for my cousin who is expecting in the end of December, I already told her I'm definitely baby-sitting! some friends of D and I's are moving next weekend :( Definitely going to miss them. They are such a sweet couple but I wish them all the best of luck in their new home. I'm in such need of a vacay its not even funny! I've been looking online and I think were going to panama beach yeah! Hopefully J's time at the beach this year will go much better than last year. If not we're near a whole lot of parks and attractions! I can't wait to get away. So excited... can you tell I'm excited? also my nephew got lots of awards today at his school ceremony and I'm soo proud of him!! My sister is so good at working and teaching w/ him so I'm proud of her too!
Side note:D says he might not have to work Saturday which would be awesome. I hope it doesn't rain this weekend cause we have lots of plans for outdoor activities.
Sorry I know this post is a lot of random thoughts and ideas.

Monday, May 11, 2009

On a night like this, I could Fall in love

Not too much to report here on the homefront.Once again I had a great weekend. D worked all day Saturday so J and I just stayed at home in our P.J.'s and did nothing but play. YEAH! Mothers Day was great. D and J made me breakfast and had me cards and flowers. Then we went to church which was great. Every mothers day they honor the mothers by having them all stand during service and the preacher leads everyone in a prayer about how great mothers are. Then his sermon was centered on mothers and it was so beautiful. I was so proud to stand among such amazing women/mothers. What an honor. I of course cried the whole service...but it was mostly tears of happiness. Some sad ones for all the women who have lost thier mothers,children or those who maybe aren't able to be a mother. I know D and I are so blessed and I am so thankful to God for all that he is given us but most thankful for my son. J is really picking up an expansive vocabulary. When D came home Sat I told J to tell him what he learned and I said ROLL TIDE and J repeated. It sounded more like Row Side but he got the message.. Fun! He's like a parrot. He'll repeat pretty much anything you say. This could be dangerous :) Growing more and more everday.We're also going to sign him up for swim lessons again.. Yea for D. J did lessons when he was 7 months old and I proudly took pics as D and J swam. D looks much better in a bathing suit than I ;) J did really well then so hopefully he'll still have fun this time ... We'll see. Can't wait to take pics ! Here is a few pics from his first lesson.

By the way J loved to drink the water- in case you couldn't tell ha ha

Friday, May 8, 2009

I'll Think of A Reason Later

Is it bad that I still haven't finished J's baby book. Well not so much baby book but just a photo album. I still have a couple thousand (eek) pics that I haven't even ordered off my computer. I ordered a couple hundred like a year ago and started putting those in an album and after like 50 pics or so I stopped, and haven't started back since. I wish I could say I was one of those real crafty mothers who makes all these cute things for their kids but thats definetly not me. My motto "Why make when you can buy?" :) Sad I know but true. I have really cute ideas and really good intentions but then my ADD kicks in and i'm on to something else;) So this is my goal here in the next few months, to order all my pics and put them in an album. I really think if I had a cute album like this (see right) that I would have much more motivation ;) hint hint. What I would really love is to just hire someone to organize and categorize all my pics and put them together. Any takers ? :)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Its not okay

Its not Friday Its not 5:00 Its not sunny I'm tired I'm hungry Do you really want me to keep going? This about sums up my day... Come on Fri 5:00!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

diamonds(bags) are a girls best friend

Here is J's /my brand new diaper bag:) I wanted something smaller to carry around his stuff in and so I thought this was so cute! Plus I got it at my new fav store which is even better!Monogramming included! ;)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Time In A Bottle

Ever wish you could just say FREEZE! and whatever your doing at that moment, time would stop? Today I met D and J for lunch and we had the most wonderful lunch. J took a 3 hour nap this morning and so he was in a great mood. We went to McDonald's and J scarfed down his French fries and nuggets. I don't often give him ketchup, honey mustard or any kind of condiments cause one their gross and two their messy(I know that's not the attitude your supposed to have but that's where D comes in) So anyways D got honey mustard for J and lord bless him J was so happy! He was literally shaking when he put the fry in his mouth w/ his honey mustard. He was going YUM YUMMM over and over.... Bless his heart he is my child made over :) Yesterday we went to D's family decoration and J acted the same way when I gave him some banana pudding:) Now I finally have someone to blame when the ice cream container is empty lol...So back to lunch today. J has had this bad cough for the last couple days and it just breaks my heart when he is sick and I have done everything I can and he still doesn't feel well, I just want to do anything I can to make him happy. So even something as simple as a chicken nugget if it makes my son happy that is the best thing in the world. To see him just blissfully happy,carefree, and not a care in the world makes me want to freeze time! Makes my heart feel like its going to just overflow w/ joy. Thank you god for putting the smile on my sons face:) thank you for my wonderful husband who stayed home today to watch over J's cough and administer his breathing treatments. Thank you for my family!

Side note: We had a great weekend. D had to work all day Saturday :( for the third weekend in a row. Can't wait until next weekend when he will finally be off a whole weekend yea! J and I went to the children's museum and had fun. Sunday we went to decoration and visited family and had a great time minus the severe rainstorm :)
Also I picked up my bag today from the store i'm still in love with. Its so cute.. I'll post pictures tomorrow:)