Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Take a picture, it lasts longer

Ok so anyone who knows me, knows that I love love taking pictures! I mean LOVE! I've now discovered picnik and love taking pictures 100 x more! I took a friends maternity pictures which was soo much fun. I took about 800 pics of her though:) ha ha My motto was well the more pictures I take the more chances I have of having some good pics:) I'm taking my cousins family pictures some next this month, and now my friend has also asked me to take some pictures of her baby for thier annoucements! FUN FUN! I expressed to D that I really did need a new camera though if i'm going to b taking all these pictures. I have a canon ios or something like that, sad I don't even know what camera I have.Wish I could just take pictures all the time, but then we wouldn't have any money:) I tried to convince my sister to go into the photography buisness w/ me but she said no. something about having to make sure her family has money for food blah blah... Luv ya D! Well not really sure where i'm going w/ this post but bottom line is: I LOVE PICTURES!

p.s. anyone need pictures taken let me know....


hippity hoppity easter's on its way

Hooray for Aunt D! She saves the day yet again. The last time we tried to take J to see a fury creature it didn't work out very well, a.k. santa so I didn't really thing we would get an easter picture but of course I had to try.Saturday when aunt d and I were shopping D brought J to the mall and met us for lunch. Well while J was in a great mood Aunt D and I took J to c the easter bunny. I was really hoping I would get a picture but of course if we didn't that would be okay too. Aunt D was great w/ J and helped us to get a great easter pic. HOORAY! I told aunt d she will have to come w/ us from now whenever we were planning a pic w/ furry creatures!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Again!

Today is Uncle Drew's Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful B-day Uncle Drew! See ya soon.

It was also Pa Paw's birthday saturday... We J enjoyed talking to him on the phone. We miss you and hope you had a great day!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Its 5:00 somewhere

Its friday and its 5:00 yea!! Hopefully the weather won't be too bad this weekend and everyone will stay safe! Plans are to go shopping with sister and get everyones easter outfit! Yea 4 shopping!! See everyone monday and everyone have a great weekend.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday Namaw! We love you and hope you have a great and wonderful day

Shoes, Shoes, and More Shoes

So my co-worker found this website this morning where you upload your picture and see what your baby will look like, So here is what D and I's little boy and little girl will "look" like:

The boy definetly doesn't look like J but the little girl is sooo cute!! I'm so proud of the little girl .. is that wierd? Oh well it made for a fun morning here in the office.

On to other fun stuff. This post would be much better if I had taken a picture but of course we were running late but J looked sooo cute this morning!! We bit the bullet last night and bought J a pair of Sperry's. I've been looking around for a while trying to see if I can find a cheaper knock-off but have not been succesful. J has a pair of Nike sandals but his toes are open in them and I really wanted shoes that he could run around in this summer but that would stay on well with him running around and would keep his feet clear of anything poking or cutting his feet:) wierd yes I know but I do all that I can to protect my little man. I hate paying so much money for shoes that he grows out of so fast but I want him to have good shoes now that he's running around. I vowed I wouldn't buy lots of shoes for him when he was a newborn cause I don't really see the point-girls maybe but definetly not boys. So anyways back to J's look this morning. He had on his cacky cargo shorts, striped polo shirt, and his Sperry's. So preppy. This is a big stretch for J cause I normally send him in t-shirts and plain ol' pants cause he is such a boy and always comes home dirty....His teachers were very impressed w/ his big boy look. Hopefully i'll try and get a picture this evening and post it next week. For now i'll leave you w/ my shoes i'm obsessed w/ getting for J:

These are the shoes that J has and I just love them:

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bring on the Rain

Pictures I took of J yesterday
Like mother Like son- I think this means i point too much:)

I think D is trying to get out of mowing the lawn, sorry D you get several more years of lawn mowing to go:)

-Is this day over yet? I think I ask myself this question 30 x a day:) Seriously I love my job and all but it can be so momentous. I swear I hear typing in my head when I'm sleeping... Okay on to the fun stuff. My friend had her baby boy Monday and he is soo cute! I got to hold him today at lunch and all these memories just came flooding back to me. Every time I walk into that hospital I am immediately taken back 16 months ago. I can still remember everything like it was yesterday. Where has the time gone? I even recognized nurses that were there with me and J but yet have a hard time remembering what I packed J for lunch today (go figure). I wish I known then what I know now. If I could go back in time, I'd tell myself to take it easy. Don't stress so much you'll do just fine, they don't break:) I would remember to savor every moment and take more pictures ( but first I would have remembered to get the camera :) I didn't bond w/ J right away you know those teary moments you see on Lifetime that was definitely not me. I was just so overwhelmed with everything that I didn't get to enjoy everything like I should have. This is not to say that I didn't love my son from the very beginning and loved everything about him we just weren't on the same page right away. Holding that little baby boy in my arms today made my desire for another one grow stronger by the minute. How quickly you forget all the weight gain of pregnancy, not being able to sleep on your stomach,indigestion from everything,doctor visits galore and then when the baby comes... sleepless nights,spitting up,burping,crying,anixety,cost of formula,bottle washing,baby food(yuck)..... But one day when its time D and I will happily do it all over again. Why? Cause they are worth every second of it! I think i've finally convinced D to have 4 LOL
The age old question "when are you going to have another one?"

Here's the timeline of questions you get asked in your lifetime:
"when are you going to get engaged?"
"when is your wedding?"
"When are you going to have kids?"
"When are you going to have more kids?"

-not sure whats after this cause I haven't gotten there yet, i'm just content where i'm at now.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Sunshine Day everbodys smilin'

Wow its been forever since I've posted. I enjoyed a wonderful week off w/ my son last week. We had a wonderful time going to the park, picnics, shopping :), and just lounging around the house in our P.J.'s. I vowed that I wasn't going to clean much which is what I usually do when I have time off. I wanted to devote all my time to just playing w/ J and showering him w/ attention and that's pretty much what I did. We went one day and met up w/ D for lunch at work and that tickled D. He loved having J there to show him off and I think it made his work day go by a lot faster... The weather was so pretty so we took full advantage of it. J got some new sandals which look so cute on him. We tried to get him some Sperry's but they didn't have them in his size :( I know that's a lot of money to spend on kids shoes but I really think their going to be the best buy for him cause J does so much running around that I wanted to get something that would really stay on his feet and it doesn't help that their just so darn cute:) I really didn't take too many pictures this week cause I just really didn't think about it. Oh we went out to eat Saturday and J did really good. He had a few screams here and there ( he hates sitting in a highchair he wants to run around all the time) but he did sooo much better than usual. he's just growing so fast its unreal. Now I'm on a mission to find an Easter outfit for us all. J and D are going to match (if I can find matching clothes) for Easter so I'm excited about that. Oh also I started attempting to pull the wallpaper down in our guest bath and my dads going to come up next weekend and fix all the holes I will make and help paint! Yea! I'll keep you updated on that ( its definitely not as easy as they make it look on TV I'll tell you that much:) )

Monday, March 16, 2009

So tired...

This past weekend was great. Exhausting but great. We went home to visit our families and everyone had a good time, but I think J had the best of all. As you can imagine he gets spoiled rotten everytime we go home so of course he loves it!Especially when his great grandfather lets him shove his hand into the brownie pan before he's eaten any dinner then tells me maw to clean him up:) Thnx paw. Or when his Namaw gives him laffy taffy's :) lol He loves his Namaw. I don't know why but everyone loves to feed J... ha ha Its so fun to visit w/ everyone and to get to see J spend time w/ family. Its so special to see 3 generations together under one roof. Of course J was a ham for everyone. He loves attention for sure. He was fussy some cause he was sooo sleepy! He never gets naps in when we go home cause he doesn't have time:) We're all over the place all the time. Sadly we didn't get to go outside and play any cause of all the rain but we still had fun. All in all it was a good weekend. I'm just working one day this week and then i'm off the rest of the week for spring break YEAH! You know you've passed the young years when your looking forward to going to the park for spring break and not panama ha ha We didn't take any pictures this weekend so i'll just post some random ones...won't be back to blogging world until next Monday. Hope everyone has a great spring break/work week... Ta Ta for now.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sorry Bette

Ok so my whole blog name is based on the Bette Midler song Baby Your Mine by Bette Midler. Anyone seen the movie Beaches? I love this movie and know it line by line. That song has always been my fav and knew I would sing it to my baby when I had one:) So of course I sang it to J as a baby when rocking him to sleep. Well today I got the great idea to put a playlist on my blog and put that song on there. I was so excited since my blog name is based on this. Well when listening to the song, I noticed that the song actually goes baby of mine. Ugh you've got to be kidding me. My whole blog is based on this song. I've sung this song wrong to my son. So since i'm lazy i'm not going to change it but sorry to anyone who it bothers!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Greatest Fan of Your Life

This post goes out to my sweet husband! Now don't get me wrong he definetly does things that bug that stew out of me and he definetly works my nerves a good bit and there are times I want to shake him really hard:) and he ... wait this was about great he is oops. Well on to greatness:
D is such a great father to J. He gets up with him in the mornings on the weekends no fuss, He would on the weekdays, but he leaves before J is up. He wrestles w/ J and they have such fun. Their such boys:) He can make J laugh harder than anyone else. dirty diapers don't phase him at all. when J gets sick to his stomach he is right there with me holding him until its over. When J gets a really bad cold he's the one in the shower with him trying to break up the congestion. He rocks him until he falls asleep. I can't tell you how many times he has gotten up w/ J in the middle of the night. Its such a great feeling to know that he loves his son and will always be there for him.D will always do whatever possible to make J happy.
D is very commited to our family and to his lord. He has a great voice and he shares this great voice with the church choir. He is always willing to lend a hand for anyone anytime they need him. He is very quick to help anyone and everyone. He is very thoughtful for me. Everytime he goes to the store to pick up something he always brings something back for me. When we have friends over he helps me to clean the house -my version of cleaning not his. He records my show for me to watch later when we have friends over cause he knows that i'll be running my mouth and not watch it:) If I get even just a paper cut he is quick to get the first aid kit and to hold me while i'm screaming my head off(no pain tolerance) telling me that its going to be alright. Always carries me to bed when I fall asleep on the couch(happens very often) He makes sure that J and I have a hot meal on the table every evening, never worrying about what he will have for dinner. he puts up w/ my crazy ideas. he is patient with me when I don't understand something and knows that sometimes I just have to figure things out by myself. He always puts himself last on everything! Always!I love how he knows me better than I know myself.Sometimes scary but mostly good. Its so comforting to know him and and for him to know me. I love that we can finish each others sentences. D knows all my likes and dislikes and I love that. I know that he will always love me no matter what and for this I am blessed. I know that not everyone gets to find their true love and that makes me sad. I am very blessed to have found my true love! I look forward to growing old with him and sitting on our rockers watching our great grandchildren run around. So thank you D for loving me unconditionally.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Lions,Tigers & Bears How Fun!

Know how I said that trips with J are either really fun for everyone or no fun for anyone. Well saturdays trip to the Zoo was really fun for everyone!! Hooray!!! We spent 3 hours at the zoo and had a blast! J loved all the animals especially the monkeys. We went on the train which he loved as well. It was so fun being on the train w/ J cause I can remember riding that train over and over when I went to the zoo as a kid. I loved showing him all the things that I enjoyed when I was a child. D had never been before and he had such a great time. He loves the tigers!He is just growing up right before my eyes, so sad! J had his first hot dog at the zoo and that might have been his favorite part(like mom like son :) He didn't like anything about the carousel but thats ok. I can understand how it would be scary. We'll definetly be going back soon. great trip all in all

Sunday was a great day! I was baptized and it was a wonderful experience. I have to admit I was a bit, well a lot scared at first being in front of everyone but I just prayed and god gave me peace about it. D was great! The night before I was very anxious and he talked with me and really calmed my nerves a lot. Bless his heart for putting up w/ me and all my anxities. He is such a great husband.I was also blessed to meet a wonderful woman who was baptized with me. She and I became instant friends and I know God put us together for a reason. She made me feel so at ease and we had so much in common it was wierd. Thank you god for everything you have blessed me with. I know everything I have is because of you and I will continue to praise your name and live your word. Praise be to God.

Sunday afternoon we went to the arboretum and had such fun. We took the dogs and they loved it as usual. J loves being outside and I know he really enjoyed getting to play outside all weekend. Bring on the sun , just not 90 degrees... how bout we keep it at like 75 ? :)

16 months old

7 weeks old

Friday, March 6, 2009

Yea warm weather!!!! Don't think its supposed to last long but thats okay. I can't wait to take J outside to play!!! We're going to the Zoo tomorrow. D and I are sooo excited. I told D it how fun the zoo was, but then I remembered that I haven't been since I was 10. Hopefully J will have fun, he's at that age where its either going to be a fun trip for everyone or a bad trip for all :) But it doesn't stop us from trying! I'll let you know Monday how it goes.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Favorites and other randoms

Since this blog really is just all about J (:) I thought that I would post here things that he enjoys:

-I read this book to j on average about 3 x a night. He has so many books its unreal but yet he always goes back to this one. Of course I love reading to him because I love to read! I hope that he will enjoy books when he gets older but if not that's OK too. I cherish our reading time together every evening. Its such a peaceful and quiet time. He curls up in my lap and we rock and read. There are several things he likes to point out on certain pages. He knows where the ball is, the cat, the bird, and the flower. Its fun to see how proud he is when he points them out and I tell him he's right. Its in these moments I wish that I could just stop time and hold him all night long.
-Also he loves to hear me sing :) ha ha he's the only one. Every day on our way home I sing either Jesus Loves me or the ABC song. He can be so fussy, and as soon as I start to sing he is silent. He always starts to clap right in the middle of the song. This isn't him telling me to stop :) He just hasn't gotten the concept of waiting until the end to clap :) ha ha
-FOOD we'll just leave it at that. He loves all food all the time. Its sad when his teachers comment about how much he eats and yet still so skinny. Jealous!
-Naps Hopefully always. He takes 2 hour nap in the morning and 2-3 hours in the afternoon. J is just like his father. Loves to get up early and as the day goes on the worse his mood gets. He is so not an evening person.
-brushing hair- its not so much brushing as it is hitting. I don't see hairdresser in his future.
- doing things on his own-very independent. he wants to figure things out all by himself. sad.
-turning the TV off and on. apparently this is even more fun when he is getting in trouble for it

-wrestling with dad- d and J love to "rough house" together. I haven't decided who enjoys it more :)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

easily replaced

Namaw,J, DH

For all you new moms, you might not want to read this just yet.

This past saturday m-i-l a.k.a. Namaw came to visit. As usual her and J had a wonderful time. I will never know where Namaw gets her energy from. Anyways so when she preceded to leave, J held his arms out for her to pick him up and as grandmas do she happily obliged. Well no quicker did she pick him up did j turn around, look at DH and I and say BYE! with his little hand waving in the air. he did remember to blow me a kiss which made me feel even worse.I felt like someone had knocked the wind out of me. He became a big boy in all of 2 seconds. I can't believe how quick he was to 1. leave us 2. make such a big decision on his own. So we packed his bag and off they went. I know your wondering why in the world did you let him go, but I had to tell myself that it is good for j to get out and be with other people. Its also good for D and I to have some time to ourselves. He's 15 months and has only spent the night away without d or I 3 times.

My little boy isn't so little anymore. Next he'll be calling her on the phone asking her to come get him... My how time flies. I can still remember when he was first born (oddly enough can't remember what I did yesterday)

So there you have it, babies do in fact actually grow up. very quickly I might add so hold on to them tight ladies!

Always a follower, never a leader

Ok so after reading everyones blogs for forever I have finally decided to join the rest of the world and start one. I guess my main reason for not starting one is creepy people who might read blogs and stalk them( Ok I stalk, but i'm not creepy so its ok:) Also I'm so not good with words or proper english so please don't worry about trying to correct my typing. Just expect that it won't be perfect or even close. When i stalk er read peoples blogs I love all the pictures. I usually just skip the typing and look at pictures so I will try and post as many pictures as possible. I hope that I will keep up with this pretty well so that I will have this to read for later on in life.