Wednesday, July 15, 2009

When You Love Someone

So to say I'm obsessed with other peoples blogs would probably be a total understatement to say the least. I lOVE reading others blogs. I love reading about their families, seeing their family pictures, reading all the fun things that are going on in their lives. This doesn't just end at people I know. Oh no my friends I know so much about so many random people. People that i've never met, will never meet. Needless to say my husband tells me I'm a creepy stalker and I need to get a life. But in my defense before all you people get creeped out, I'm not some creepy stalker. We'll just call it really NOSEY(always been a problem of mine) Anyways lately I've somehow been coming across all these tragic blogs. Blogs about people losing their children,losing their babies,losing their husbands,babies being deathly sick and the list continues. These blogs are so upsetting to me. It is so hard to stomach what these people are going through. It makes my stomach knot up and my heart so heavy. I can't tell you how many times I've stared at my computer w/ tears flowing. Not to say that these stories aren't sad on their own but when you have a child of your own it takes a whole new spin on things. I can't even attempt to try and put myself in these incredible situations some of these families face. But in every single story, There is such a strong Christan foundation. They are all so brave because they have their warrior God behind them . How uplifting and inspiring to see these moms and dads continue with their lives because they have such a powerful God on their side. Reading these stories it makes me so sad to think of people who go through these awful situations without a God on their side. Without having God to turn to. I would love to say that I would get up and brush myself off and continue on but I don't know. God forbid anything did happen to any of my family. But I am thankful that not only do I have Christ in my heart but I have an army of people behind me who I know would be there to help me. THANK GOD.

So I know that this is really random but this is whats on my heart right now. These families are in my prayers.

I know i'll be giving my family extra hugs and kisses tonight. I want to make more of an effort to make sure my family knows how much I love them and how much I appreciate them. We're not promised tomorrow and today is a gift. Thank you god for my wonderful healthy family. Thank you for all my blessings.


  1. 1. I wouldn't call it stalking or too nosey if people are putting it on the Internet. I don't facebook stalk. Everyone whose profile I see puts it out there for anyone. :)Feel free to know everything about the life of a stranger. :)

    2. I, like you, have been in front of the computer sobbing because of a sad blog. Life is sad, and I am thankful for happy blogs (likes yours) and reading about the blessings people have found through the loss of loved members. It is also encouraging to find people's Faith in God so strong even at their lowest point. He is AMAZING.

    Hope all is well. Jackson is growing like a weed!

  2. You are such an inspiration to me! You have built your family on the strength and love of God. David did not come to know Him until right before we got married. He is still learning to trust Him, and I pray that our family will grow in His love the way your has.
