Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Monday, July 27, 2009

Bad Bad Very Bad


Bless my husband! Bless my husband!
So I was telling D last night that I wanted a cake for my birthday cause he's never gotten me one..ahemn ahem. Well I started remembering this cake I had for my birthday one year in chicago and it was from a place called Cookie Dough Creations. Let me just tell you this is the best place ever! Its raw cookie dough minus the egg so its safe to eat. Its like licking the dough straight out of the bowl after making homemade cookies but except its safe :) So back to my cake. It was vanilla cake w/ a layer of vanilla ice cream w/ a layer of cookie dough and then cake and then ice cream and then cookie dough and then frosting. Seriously the best cake ever! Soo.. I got curious today and went to thier website and guess what! They SHIP! They don't ship cake but thats okay they do ship thier cookie dough. YIPEE! My husband bought me a 4-pack of thier flavored cookie dough, after the intital shock of the price but then I did throw in that I was pregnant and this would probably be our last child and the baby reallly wanted this cookie dough. Plus J would really like it. Well thats all it took. Whatever J wants J gets. I can't wait to teach him to say "Tell Daddy you want to go to Krispy Kreme" he he he
Can't wait to tell you how my ice cream is :)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Baby Love

So I think everyone has heard that we are pregnant! We had our u/s yesterday and we're due March 7th.Spring Break baby :)We found out 4th of July but didn't have our dr's appt until yesterday. We are very excited and so thankful. We know we are extremly blessed beyond words. I've been feeling not so great these last few weeks but thankfully i'm still able to go to work and get J and I ready every morning. Last night was the first meal i've had in a while that I was actually excited about and really enjoyed eating the whole way through.(northport diner ; country fried steak, mashed potatoes, and macaronni ) YUm! Food and I haven't been the best of friends but i'm hoping that it will only last through the first trimester like I did w/ J. But whatever happens I know that this is such a blessing and I can make it through. My wonderful husband has been sooo GREAT these last few weeks. He pretty takes over w/ J in the evening when we get home. He has dinner ready, they eat, he bathes J and puts him down. He also keeps the house clean,does the laundry, dishes, and anything else that needs to be done. He has really stepped up and I have been so thankful! I tell him he needs to pace himself cause "we" still have 7 months to go. I hope he doesn't get burnt out, ha ha! But seriously I thank god everyday for putting such a wonderful hard working family man into my life. We'll keep you updated on our progress and are so happy to share this wonderful exciting journey in our lives!

Clothes over Bros

Nothing really new to report. Just ready for Friday. I've been shopping around for J's winter wardrobe and found some cute stuff. I'm usually a season ahead w/ J so I'm getting a lot of stuff for next summer for like $1- $2 bucks! Love deals. Here are some things I'm liking right now. By the way I love Children's Place for J's clothes. They have the best 'big boy" clothes. A lot of stores for his size are still baby looking clothes.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Bad, Very Bad

So the story goes like this:

D brings home logan's for dinner. I told him to get J macaronni and cheese cause he loves theres.
So we're sitting at the table eating and I look over at J who is also sitting at the table w/us in a chair by himself.I notice that J is just shoveling his food in his mouth barely even stopping to breathe

Me: D look at J he is shoveling that food in his mouth
D: Yep
Me: I mean I knew he liked thier macaronni and all but gees. He's even shoveling the chicken in.(normally not a huge chicken eater)
D: Yep
Me: J don't eat too much or you'll get sick. Slow down
D: You know I was thinking. I don't think we fed J anything for lunch so he probably is just really hungry.
Me: Ohh.......Huh. Well that does explain it.

Side note: We had put J down for a nap but he was having such a hard time cause he kept coughing so much so we got him up and gave him a breathing treatment. we tried to put him down again but he just wasn't having it so we figured we'd go run a few errands since he was up anyway. So that is how we forgot to feed him lunch. Poor baby. But he did have ice cream while we were at the park so thats good right ?

Gotta Love Em'

Riding the golf cart w/ memaw and paw-pawGod I love this kid. Even More I love his love for sweets :) I now have someone to blame when all the cookies/ice cream goes missing ;) The negative side of his sweet tooth is i'm tired of sharing...

Look at that mess

Oh wait Mom I have to get every last piece of icing since I only get these once every 6 months. Poor child. Did I mention he ate my cupcake as well as his. Not the cake part just the frosting. Fine by me cause the cake part is my favorite. Don't tell him though :) We waited until daddy was at choir until we ate these cause D would have a stroke. Needless to say I hadn't had a chance to clean up after self-feeding lasagane and then the cupcake. When D walked in he just looked at the kitchen and said uh I'll clean up the kitchen babe you just relax. I think he thought that J had given me a run for my money and he was feeling guilty for leaving us alone. Fine by me. I watched Big Brother :)

J and his friend at the park Sat. How sweet!

J and his daddy in front of TV. What they do best. This is the first time I let them eat in front of the TV. I had to break it to D that this will not be something that will happen often. He was sad.
D made me get a picture. See I do exsist.

Your thinking what i'm thinking right. That I need to get D a tray w/ his name on it too. His birthday is around the corner. Hmm...

In case your curious he is glued to Elmo. His absolute favorite character of all time. When Elmo is one he is glued. Its really sad actually but helpful for those breathing treatments :) J has actually figured out how to turn the tv on, turn the dvd player on, open the dvd tray, put in his movie (not quite yet figured out to put it in the right way) and shut the case. He hasn't quite mastered the "play" button yet. I'm just thinking if he's this great w/ electronics maybe he'll be amazing w/ potty training. Not sure how the 2 go hand and hand it just makes me feel better that maybe he'll pick up potty training in no time. right? :) he he I know wishful thinking.

Sucked In

Anyone watch the show 16 and pregnant? So I happened upon it one late evening and was hooked. I've seen all the episodes and am amazed. Especially the last one where the teen parents put their little girl up for adoption. Such a sad episode but I was so proud of the parents for recognizing that they can't support a baby. It makes me really scared for J to grow up. I know there's no way to ever completely shelter them, but I can try right? :) I feel like you can be the best parent to your child but sometimes no matter how much you teach them right, I believe that sometimes kids just get involved w/ the wrong crowd or make the one mistake that leads to a huge life change. Scary to think about your kids growing up and making their own decisions. I know you have to parent as best you can and just pray that they listen to everything you say. I'm thinking that I'll just add on an apartment to our house and J can live w/ us forever :)

Fun at the park

Cookie Dough Blizzard from TCBY: $3.50

Soccer ball from HIBBETTS : $4.75

Watching your son and husband playing soccer at the park while eating ice cream: PRICELESS

Ha ha funny pic! I understand how he feels. That ice cream does look good! :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

When You Love Someone

So to say I'm obsessed with other peoples blogs would probably be a total understatement to say the least. I lOVE reading others blogs. I love reading about their families, seeing their family pictures, reading all the fun things that are going on in their lives. This doesn't just end at people I know. Oh no my friends I know so much about so many random people. People that i've never met, will never meet. Needless to say my husband tells me I'm a creepy stalker and I need to get a life. But in my defense before all you people get creeped out, I'm not some creepy stalker. We'll just call it really NOSEY(always been a problem of mine) Anyways lately I've somehow been coming across all these tragic blogs. Blogs about people losing their children,losing their babies,losing their husbands,babies being deathly sick and the list continues. These blogs are so upsetting to me. It is so hard to stomach what these people are going through. It makes my stomach knot up and my heart so heavy. I can't tell you how many times I've stared at my computer w/ tears flowing. Not to say that these stories aren't sad on their own but when you have a child of your own it takes a whole new spin on things. I can't even attempt to try and put myself in these incredible situations some of these families face. But in every single story, There is such a strong Christan foundation. They are all so brave because they have their warrior God behind them . How uplifting and inspiring to see these moms and dads continue with their lives because they have such a powerful God on their side. Reading these stories it makes me so sad to think of people who go through these awful situations without a God on their side. Without having God to turn to. I would love to say that I would get up and brush myself off and continue on but I don't know. God forbid anything did happen to any of my family. But I am thankful that not only do I have Christ in my heart but I have an army of people behind me who I know would be there to help me. THANK GOD.

So I know that this is really random but this is whats on my heart right now. These families are in my prayers.

I know i'll be giving my family extra hugs and kisses tonight. I want to make more of an effort to make sure my family knows how much I love them and how much I appreciate them. We're not promised tomorrow and today is a gift. Thank you god for my wonderful healthy family. Thank you for all my blessings.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

There Goes My Baby

So last night our neighbors had us over for dinner. They have a little boy who is 5 and so cute! So I was anxious about this get together just cause you never know w/ J how his mood will be. Needless to say it went great. Their lil' boy has this little tikes bench table looking thing. Very technical name I know. Anyways so the boys sat at their table eating thier pizza like big boys. Then they went and played in the lil' boys room. It was so cute to watch J come out w/ all these big boy toys like swords and dinosaurs. So Fun! J was living it up and having a great time. At one point the nieghbors lil' boy was doing this cute lil' thing(too complicated to try and explain) but then J started doing it too. It was so neat to watch J interact w/ an older kid. He definelty took it all in stride and played right along w/ him. Pretty soon we'll have to be buying star wars toys and dinosaurs and hot wheels. So Sad :( It was nice to be able to just sit and enjoy adult company while my lil' one is off playing in another room. Sad but nice.Gosh they grow up so fast.

By the way big lots has a 19 inch hdtv or something like that w/ a built in DVD player for 219.00 Pretty good deal! Seems like I can remember when the flat screens first came out they were sooo expensive and now 'regular' people can actually afford them :)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Summer Fun

So here comes the weekend yea!! I'm so excited! No big plans really just trying to get some housework done and relax. These last couple weekends we've been all over the place that i'm so glad to finally have some family time. Nothing too exciting going on here just work week. I need to take some more pics of J just haven't had time. No time never any time. All work and no play. I think we're going to take J to the rec center sat to let him swim. My lil' boy loves to swim, he scares me sometimes how much he loves it. He's so brave.YIKES! Too bad I don't have any more to share. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Stay cool and apply sunscreen!

Monday, July 6, 2009


So the 4th of July has come and gone. We had lots of fun! Fri morning we decided to go ahead and go on to my grandma's and spend the day swimming. I'm so glad we did cause it was nice to just be able to swim w/o all the craziness going on before Sat. J had a great time in the pool as usual. He can't wait to be able to swim on his own. Once again we succeeded with our sunscreen applying cause J got just a hint of sun on his arms but really nothing. Yea Coppertone! We left swimming and went to Namaw's and had lots of fun there. J got to play w/ the moo cows which are his fav. Sat morning we got up and me,D, and J all rode the 4 wheeler. It was a lot of fun! Nice and quiet country roads. Then we did our 4Th thing at D's grandmothers then went on to my grandparents and ate again then headed home. J was in an awful mood (desperate need of sleep). We didn't make it to the fireworks but that's okay. I watched them on TV and I was sufficed. Hopefully next year we'll b able to go and watch them. All in all we had a great time and great food. My desserts went over well which was nice. See I can bake :)
No pics to post :( For once I didn't worry w/ my camera and just had a fun time. I actually enjoyed not worrying about getting all kinds of pics in. Don't worry I'll be back in full swing soon enough. Hope everyone had a great 4Th! Now we must work again. yuck!
p.s. sorry such a generalized post but after working on the computer all day i'm just in no mood to do too much typing

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Yankee Doodle Dandy

I absoloutly LOVE this pic! Probably one of my fav's of J

YIpee! its the 4th weekend! I lvoe the 4th! We're going home sat morning and i'm really excited. I'm making fruit pizza and some graham cracker dessert thing (no title) to take home and hope they turn out well cause thier really yummy.well i've never actually eaten the fruit pizza but all the reviews say its good :) looking forward to a day of swimming and eating and swimming and eating and eating and ... well you ge the idea. I'll leave you w/ a few pics I took last night of J. I also took some pics for a friends article at Little Willie's last night. FUN! I love taking pics.. anyone notice?