Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sorry Bette

Ok so my whole blog name is based on the Bette Midler song Baby Your Mine by Bette Midler. Anyone seen the movie Beaches? I love this movie and know it line by line. That song has always been my fav and knew I would sing it to my baby when I had one:) So of course I sang it to J as a baby when rocking him to sleep. Well today I got the great idea to put a playlist on my blog and put that song on there. I was so excited since my blog name is based on this. Well when listening to the song, I noticed that the song actually goes baby of mine. Ugh you've got to be kidding me. My whole blog is based on this song. I've sung this song wrong to my son. So since i'm lazy i'm not going to change it but sorry to anyone who it bothers!

1 comment:

  1. That is funny...I would sing that song when I was pregnant and still sing it to her now. Another song we like is It Won't Be Like This For Long by Darius Ruckers (I think that is how you spell his name.)
