Thursday, April 15, 2010

On and On and On

L at 5 weeks
Where to begin. This post is going to have a lot of random info in it, just cause I haven't blogged in a while and I really don't want to have to do 800 different posts. So lets see.
Everyone here in the Glass family is doing well. L has had some rough times, but he is definetly doing much better. He went for his 2 month check up yesterday (more on that later) which is so hard for D and I to believe. Things are definitely crazy around here with 2 boys but its always interesting and we're always on our toes. sometimes our house feels more like a zoo than a home:)

j is doing really well still with L so far. I say "so far" just b/c I'm realistic and know that they probably won't always get along this well and I'm sure there will be many a days where J doesn't like L at all. but for now J is loving having his brother around.

L is doing well. Saturday before Easter we called L's on-call pediatrician's office b/c L was having a really tough time. He had been having trouble sleeping for a few days, and it just gradually got worse and worse. He would sleep for about 10-20 mins and then just wake up screaming and would have a really hard time going back to sleep, and this cycle just repeated itself until finally saturday when we called. we called at around 10 p.m. and since that day he had been up since 4 a.m. with about 3 1/2 hrs total sleep! So the on call pediatrician recommended we go on to the ER b/c he might be having some internal pains. So we woke up J and off to the ER we went. I never really thought that L had anything serious but when you get told to take your 6 week old to the ER you start to panic a little. So L fell asleep on the way there and J was up and ready to go! (go figure, when one is awake the other one is asleep) so we get there and they take us right on back.
Side note: when the front desk nurse at the ER asked what was wrong I look down at L who was snoring loudly in his car seat and i'm like umm.. well he's having trouble sleeping (leave it to your children to make a liar out of you) L weighed 10 lbs 6 oz at the hospital

So we go on back to a triage room, the dr exams L (still snoring) and then orders blood work and x-rays to rule everything out since he was so little. So we do all those tests and let me tell you, those ER triage rooms are small enough to begin with, but when you have a 2 year old bouncing off the walls, and 2 parents who haven't had any sleep. Those walls start closing in on you very fast. About 2 a.m. the Dr comes back with results and says L has viral pneumonia which apparently isn't a big deal (still don't really understand it all the way) and everything else was clear. He spoke with the on call pediatrician on the phone and she decided it was best to admit L so that they could watch him for a few more hours and then when the pediatrician made her rounds in the morning she would come by and access the situation. Well needless to say we finally got in a room at about 5 a.m. and the dr came around about 11 and decided that L had severe acid reflux and put him on another formula that is not milk and not soy its pretty much nothing and she put him on prilosec. So far he is doing much better on it. By the way L was pretty much comatose until about lunch time easter day. It was pitiful :)
Fast forward a couple weeks to L's 2 month check up. he weighed 11 lbs and was 22 inches long. He grinned the whole time we were there. He was hamming it up for the nurse:) What is it with my boys and flirting at an early age lol Everything thing else checked out fine. He was in the 50th percentile for height and weight.

He is pretty much out of all 0-3 month clothing :( He has no legs and a long torso. He is my little butterball for sure. His personality is really starting to show. He hates being in his car seat. He doesn't mind it too much once he's out and can see us but he hates being in the car. Same goes for stroller. L wants to be held constantly and doesn't like to be without one of us there. I hope this means that he is going to be my little cuddle buddy :) L usually goes to bed about 8 but not without a fight on his part. He is definitely going to be a night baby. He fights sleep every night. He then gets up about 1 and then back up at 4 or 5. He then goes back to sleep until his next feeding.Doesn't like mornings. I knew this was going to happen. J is up at 5:30 every morning and L stays up all night :)but its nice cause i get one on one time with each one. L eats every 3 hours during the day pretty much. we just started putting a little rice in his bottles, just for the sake of helping with his reflux. not to make him sleep longer. It doesn't work anyways :)L just really started really smiling the last week or so. He smiles all the time now and its such a joy. I forgot how wonderful all these little firsts are. I love it.

J is talking up a storm and I swear he learns more and more words everyday. He loves to sing his ABC's and Ba Ba Black Sheep and The Wheels on the Bus. Needless to say he loves to sing. the same songs over and over and over (get the picture ? :) Some funny things he has said recently

D picked J up the other day from school and J said he wanted to go home and see Mommy and D said we are on our way and J said move out the way cars, we're going to see mommy !

at old navy J was running around trying to find all the mannequins "booty's" and then tried to unzip one girl mannequins pants b/c he told D that she needed to go pee pee!

We went for a walk the other night and J kept pointing at the moon saying I see more moon mommy. I tried to explain to him that it was the same moon that he kept seeing it and that it was following us so then he kept saying "come on moon, come on"

The other day i had the TV on some cooking show and they were boiling something and you could see the steam so J went over to the TV and started blowing on the TV saying its hot Mommy, its hot.

He is such a big boy now. Everything he does he has to do himself. There is no helping him in anything. I'm amazed that all the things he can do by himself. I guess i don't give him enough credit. In my head he's still my little boy. I have to remember that I need to let him do more things on his own. Its killing me how fast he is growing up.