So I know i'm behind on my blogging. I blame the pregnancy hormones. :) Nothing too new to post here. I'm now 11 weeks. I have my next doctors appt tomorrow. I can't wait to hear the heartbeat. I love that! I'm definetly not going to look at the scale:) My clothes still fit fine but I just don't want to know. I didn't look w/ J and it made me happier not to know. I don't want to stress about it, so not knowing suits me just fine. I'll put some belly pictures up when I have an actual baby bump and not leftover's from J :) Sorry i'm sure no one wanted to know that. Here are some pictures of J's first day in his new class. He looked so cute.
Let's see. What else is new. I ordered all of J's summer wardrobe from the childrens place last week when they had thier summer clothes on clearance. So he is totally set for next summer. D and I went through J's closet this weekend and got 2 bags full of clothes that don't fit anymore put in the attic. When we were going through his closet I found lots of clothes for this winter that I had bought him last season so he's half-way set for this winter as well. Yea for buying a season ahead. I still have to get him some jeans and pants and a couple sweaters but that shouldn't be too bad. I'm going to the Little Lambs consignment next week so i'm going to try and get all his winter clothes out of the way and hopefully a few christmas presents as well. My goal is to have him totally set that way when we found out what the baby is,especially if its a girl we can just buy baby clothes and don't have to worry about J. If its a boy I definetly don't need to buy ANY clothes. Yea for planning ahead!
I got J's new nap mat for his class yesterday. Its so cute. I got his name monogrammed on it and I love it. He loved the monkeys :) I know you can't really see the design very well but you can go to wildkin's website to look at it. A local store here carries all thier products. So cute!
J and D enjoying a nice Sunday dinner D cooked. They love sitting in front of the TV. Mommy only lets them do this every once in a while :) Its so fun to watch J eat corn on the cob. He eats it until there is not one lil' piece left.